The structure of the crystal was analyzed by single crystal X-ray diffraction and the functional groups present in the sample were identified by FTIR spectral analysis in the range 4000-450 cm-1. The size of the grown crystal is up to the dimension of 29×19×5 mm 3. Single crystals of triglycinium calcium nitrate, a semiorganic nonlinear optical (NLO) material, have been grown by slow solvent evaporation technique at room temperature. From TG/DTA analysis, the decomposition point for methyl orange doped L-alanine acetate crystal is found to be at 290 0 C which shows more thermal stability compared to that of undoped L-alanine acetate crystal. EDS analysis shows the elements present in the grown samples. The mechanical properties such as hardness value, yield strength and stiffness constant were estimated by the Vicker's Microhardness measurement. NLO property of the crystal is confirmed by Kurtz-Perry powder technique. The optical band gap was also calculated for the grown crystal. The optical emission bands were estimated by the Photoluminescence Studies. From UV-Vis-NIR spectral study, it is noted that the transmission in the lower cutoff wave length, reflecting the good transmittance property of the crystal in the entire visible region. T h e c e l l p a r a m e t e r s w e re calculated using Powder X-ray diffraction analysis and the functional groups were identified using the Fourier Transforms Infra-Red Spectroscopic (FTIR) studies. The samples were synthesized and purified by repeated re-crystallization process and the s o l u b i l i t y o f t h e s a m p l e w a s f o u n d a t d i f f e r e n t t e m p e r a t u r e s. In the present work, L-alanine acetate and methyl orange (dye) doped L-alanine acetate crystal was grown by slow evaporation method.

The potential application of amino acid crystals, used in NLO applications leads to intensive investigation about the material.